Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Baby Birthing Class: Night 1

Tonight was the first night of our birthing classes, in case you're wondering, no, this wasn't my idea. It was.... an interesting experience to say the least. I wasn't really sure what to expect going in, but I quickly learned some things that I would say are burned into my brain.

Speaking of something being burned into your brain, try this out:

Ah, the joys of learning how to become a mother.... I mean father! All kidding aside, I couldn't imagine walking around like this all the time for months. It really helps me appreciate being a male.

Some things we learned were common sense, like if fluids start to leak, it's time to head to the hospital. I generally try to follow this advice in my own personal day-to-day life so that made sense. There were quite a few other things as well but I will spare you the details.

We got to take a test of random pregnancy facts, I believe we made a solid 20%. Which the couple sitting next to us made them same, so at least we will fail together. We did positively identify what a bed pan looks like so if there is ever a situation where you need a bed pan identified, I'm your man.

Then we got to watch a lovely video about the labor and delivery process. I went into tonight never having witnessed a birth, I have now seen four. I think they could go ahead and hand me the diploma for this class because there wasn't much left out.

Tonight also made me aware of my primary job in this process, time keeper and cheerleader. I feel fairly confident about my role thus far. But after next week's class, my confidence may begin to sway.

Overall, I can't wait for Nate to get here. We've been waiting for what seems like forever now, but I guess he will show up on his own time. But I hope it's soon, Mama is starting to get a bit cranky at times..... Hurry up Nate! Your parents can't wait to meet you!

1 comment:

  1. "Push 'em out! Shove 'em out! Wayyyy out!"
