Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Hidden Talent of the Giant among... Most Babies

Well, Nate is now past the two week old stage. His two week check-up was good, slightly traumatic for Ashley and I since he had to get his tongue clipped, but all good other than that. The doctor said Nate is in the 90th percentile in length, they just grow up so fast don't they? He was pretty much average in all the other measurements so I don't feel the need to mention them. But in length, he's a giant among babies.... Or at least among 90% of all babies.

Of course as he grows older, I won't care about his height as much, until he either 1) grows to my height or 2) grows to be about 7 feet tall. Then we may be looking into basketball a little more. But until then, he can stay little as long as possible.

As I sit here and type this, he's sitting in his rocker next to me and 'm pretty sure he's working on a dirty diaper. Not positive, but it would not surprise me because this kid is a machine. I never would have thought a person this small could have that much stuff in them. He seems to have a hidden talent, that's not so secret anymore.

While he's in here I usually sit and watch baseball, if I'm watching anything. Maybe in a few years he will be able to sit here and enjoy watching baseball with me. Or, maybe he will still be taking naps during baseball games. Or even more likely, I will be napping. But for now, baseball seems to be a great nap generator....

Sleep good little guy, won't be much longer til the next diaper change gets that little temper of yours going again. Maybe Momma will do it.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Home at Last!

Well it's been a rather busy, somewhat sleepless week, but we are home! Strangely enough, I like sleeping at home in my own bed better than the couch in the hospital, but maybe that's just me. Nate also enjoys sleeping in our bed better as well.

Sleep schedules have apparently changed, I hear some noise every once and a while at night, but I just roll back over and go back to sleep. (Just Kidding) I'm sure once we settle back into a normal routine sleep may improve ever so slightly.

Just so you are all aware, Nate is an eating, pooping machine. I can hardly believe that such a little human being and consume so much and dirty so many diapers so quickly. I have yet to be pooped on, but the list of those of us unscathed is quickly dwindling. My time is coming soon I'm sure.

We are very thankful that Ashley's parents have been able to spend the week with us. I think my gray hair would have started much sooner if they were not able to be here. Pappaw and GiGi as Nate will hopefully grow to know them. GiGi has taken the blunt of the diaper changing mishaps, but maybe that's how Nate shows his affections.

We are very glad to be home with our whole family! Nate enjoys his rocker quite a bit, when nobody is holding him, which isn't very often. He will probably be spoiled.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Finally.... Nate is here!

Words cannot express the level of relief and joy I felt when I heard Nate cry as they removed him by C-Section. I wouldn't say that I was worried, but it was the knowledge that the two people I love most in this world were about to undergo a surgical procedure, which always has it's risks. Thankfully, it wasn't an emergency, but still, it was surgery. The whole process was difficult for me because I wanted to be able to do something to help. There wasn't anything I could do, outside of prayers, that would help. Sitting by and waiting is a very hard thing to do. I am so thankful to God that Ashley and Nate both came out of it safe and sound.

On the plus side, I did not pass out at the C-Section. I just chose not to look because, "Why risk it?" I figured I had made it this far without feeling lightheaded, I didn't want to fall out in the floor right at the finish line.

Nate arrived at 9:54 PM weighing in at 8 pounds and measuring 21 inches long. The weight and measurements for Ashley and I are unimportant to this article and therefore will be withheld until further notice.

Nate, we love you very much. You were well worth the wait, we hope to give you everything we can to help you become the man God wants you to be. After all, you are a gift to us from God, and we love you with all our hearts.

Just for reference purposes, I have currently changed not one, but TWO dirty diapers. Just for the record.