Saturday, August 8, 2015

Exclusive Interview - A 4 Month Old's Thoughts on the GOP Debate

So with this post I am deviating away from the norm of writing about my son and am instead interviewing my son on his thoughts about the recent Republican debate. Our apologies for it being a couple days late, we kept having to reschedule around nap time. Keep in mind that he is only four months old, so his political views may not be as developed as some of you out there. I asked him about the candidates and here were his exact words:

Trump: "First off, you have to hand it to a guy who still tries to pull off the comb over. I like to have goals for myself. My new goal after the debate is to behave better by the age of 3, than Donald Trump currently behaves himself. I believe this to be a very reachable goal for myself. I imagine my whining may rival Trump's at moments in my life, but at least I will have being a toddler in my favor. Also, give credit to Trump for the best quote of the evening, 'What I say is what I say.' Amen.'"

Christie: "Did the man lay in a tanning bed too long before the debate? I wasn't aware a human could look orange. That was a nice touch though, talking about all the people he's hugged. I'm sure he meant every one of them. No way he did it so he could later bring it up in a political debate so that he could make himself look good. Who would ever do something just for show to look good?"

Bush: "The man's name is Jeb. I think that pretty much sums it up. He was in Florida for a few years though so he might be able to rival Christie's orange glow given enough time."

Carson: "I know Dad that this is your favorite candidate, but is putting a brain surgeon in the White House really the best idea? I mean it would totally destroy the joke, 'Being the President isn't brain surgery'.... Because with Carson it might be! It's not a good joke, but still, you couldn't make it anymore. If I was going to go out on a limb here, my guess is that he has a slight smarts edge over Jeb, ever so slight."

Paul: "You have to applaud a grown man who still has a perm. That's just an excellent show of effort with not much show of style.But hey, as long as he keeps the government off my diaper-phone, I can live with the curls."

Rubio: "Marco Polo is one of my favorite games to play in the pool.... That was my thought about Marco....Polo."

Kasich: "Two things, who is he?? And with me still having no teeth, this name is nearly impossible to say."

Huckabee: "The man was the Governor of Arkansas, not a whole lot I can say at this point that will help his case any."

Cruz: "Ever heard of Florida-Georgia Line? They have a song called Cruz."

Walker: "I know he is from up north, which means every person is the South is like, 'I'll pass'."

As you can tell, nap time started creeping up on us toward the end of the interview. Oh well, babies and their schedules. As you can also tell, my four month old doesn't take politics too seriously.

Welcome to the mind of a four month old.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Somewhat Unexpected Happenings

Well, it's been a couple of months since I've posted anything. Nate looks like he has doubled in size, so good for him, that won't always be acceptable, so he should enjoy it while he can. So what are some things that have happened that I wasn't totally prepared for? Plenty.

1) The child spews liquid like a sprinkler at a summer birthday party. I mean, after a bottle, be careful not to shake him because you will pay dearly for it. I guess he always feels better afterwards, which is good. I hope he grows out of this stage, because you hit a point in life, where spewing your meal after eating too much, is no longer "cute." Nobody is going to walk up to me at the Mexican restaurant and say, "Poor Baby", because I spit up my chips and salsa all over myself. Enjoy it while it lasts buddy.

2) People told me my days of peaceful, sleep filled nights were over. I didn't believe all I heard, it couldn't be that bad..... I'm tired. I'm tired and I don't even get up at nights to feed or change him. The kid needs to learn how to sleep 8 hours straight. We would be more than happy to teach him this valuable skill.

3) I don't have a weak stomach. I am not a very squeamish person. But I was changing a diaper the other day, and I about couldn't make it through the process. Have you ever smelled something that just made the back of your eyelids burn? It's a tremendous sensation, you should try. Just let me know when you want to experience this, and we'll feed Nate some applesauce.

4) On a more serious note, it's hard to fathom just how much I love that kid. He always seems to be smiling (mostly), I can't wait to get home every day to see him, and Ashley too of course. I can't even really remember what life was like before Nate, I do remember it was quieter. But I wouldn't trade this for anything.